This is one of the best examples of 6x3 printing!

This is one of the best examples of Release 6×3!

Today we will discuss one of the specialties of Outsideprint, An outstanding example of professionalism in the field of print: i Poster 6×3.

Our posters are printed on paper from Blue Back 120 grams anti-pulping: questo tipo di carta è perfetta sia per interni che per esterni, è resistente alle intemperie ed è molto coprente e permette di occultare qualunque cosa possa esserci dietro!

The products are printed with Eco Solvent inks that are characterized by high resistance to weathering, una brillantezza eccezionale dei colori e da una risoluzione di 720dpi! E tutto questo è stampato con le macchine provenienti dal Giappone della Mutho, representing excellence in the field of printing.

I poster 6×3, 4×3 and i manifesti 140×200, 100×140 and 70×100 are used for external communication: billboards(come per esempio quelli sulle strade e alle fermate dei mezzi pubblici) and for directions to get to shopping centers, aggregation and stores.

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OutsidePrint if offers, with experience, professionalism and passion, As partners in advertising and communication agencies, media centers, tipografie, architecture studies, interior designer, industrial businesses and industry professionals, providing its graphic and production department, which digital printing service.