This is the effect you get when printing with Direct Print a 360 DPI!

This is the effect you get when you print with a Direct Print 360 DPI!

This evening we will speak directly to the press 360 dpi, a printing method Economic and perfect for a large number of applications!

Printed on two different materials, POLIPROPILENE, a rigid panel with a honeycomb structure on the material, lighter and cheaper is available in four thicknesses 3/5/8/10 mm e KAPA PLAST, a light panel covered with cardboard plasticized cellulose-based and with a core of polyurethane foam quality, is available in thicknesses 5/10 mm! All this is printed with eco-solvent ink and with the best printers Mutho!

If you are also curious of direct printing to 360 dpi or are interested in an advertising campaign external economic, Click below, You'll find all this and much more!


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